Phillip Whiteside phillw at
Sun May 16 16:34:22 UTC 2010

Hi Adam,

hope the UDS went well :-) (Everyone seems to be very happy with how it all
went). I'd be more than happy to update a part of the Sever Guide that is
for those of us who use only one computer and have LAMP installed on the GUI
version of Ubuntu. Whilst I agree that it is not suitable for 'production'
use because of security concerns, it does provide us with a way of writing
and testing our ideas out before we upload them to a server which has
'production' error reporting on (as in report back nothing that may help



On Sun, May 16, 2010 at 3:56 PM, Adam Sommer <asommer70 at> wrote:

> Hello,
> On Fri, May 14, 2010 at 12:06 AM, Phillip Whiteside <phillw at>wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I don't know if this is included in the wiki area (it doesn't show up with
>> google), but as a fairly recent convert to Ubuntu (9.04) and the changes
>> that have occurred since then. If you consider it worth my learning the new
>> documents system to put on
>> (Without the bit about
>> breaking it) and  onto
>> some area I'd me more than happy to give it a go? If this has already been
>> done please let me know where it is, as the only place I can currently send
>> LAMP wannabies is over to my baby forum. (I would include instructions as to
>> how to cope with magic quotes if they are on a system that still uses them)
> Sorry for taking so long to get back to you Phill.  Thanks for your
> interest in the Ubuntu documentation.
> I haven't read through your whole guide as of yet, but if you'd like to
> improve the Ubuntu Server Guide, reviewing the Lamp Applications and Web
> Servers sections would be greatly appreciated.
> All feedback is welcome, and if you'd like help getting your guide
> integrated with the Ubuntu Server Guide please let me know.
> Thanks again.
> --
> Party On,
> Adam
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