Gnome Power Manager in Lucid

David Planella david.planella at
Thu Mar 25 06:38:12 UTC 2010

El Mi 24 de 03 de 2010 a les 22:21 +0100, en/na Milo Casagrande va
> Hi David,
> 2010/3/24 David Planella <david.planella at>:
> >
> > This also means that if the strings were already translated upstream you
> > won't have to do anything else, as when the package is uploaded, the
> > strings will also be imported and translated in Launchpad.
> Thank you for the quick action!
> > Please do check the gnome-power-manager to see if the translations are
> > ok just in case:
> >
> >
> I just checked for my language and there are 4 strings not translated
> that are not in the 2.30 upstream version of g-p-m. A couple are
> similar, but not the same.
> Haven't translated them yet:
> Do you know if they are Ubuntu specific?

Yes, good catch, they are Ubuntu-specific strings related to app

To see whether strings have been changed/added in a given Ubuntu
package, a way is to download the package sources, look at the
debian/patches directory and do a text search for the given string.


David Planella
Ubuntu Translations Coordinator

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