Mallard and Ubuntu-Translators and Translation Regressions
Milo Casagrande
milo at
Mon Mar 1 21:00:33 UTC 2010
2010/2/25 Shaun McCance <shaunm at>:
> Here's the command I used:
> grep -o '<[^/][^>/ ]*' es.po | grep -v '@' | sort -u
> And this is what I got:
> <anchor
> <application
> <citetitle
> <command
> <computeroutput
> <email
> <emphasis
> <filename
> <firstterm
> <glossterm
> <guibutton
> <guilabel
> <guimenu
> <guimenuitem
> <guisubmenu
> <imagedata
> <imageobject
> <indexterm
> <interface
> <itemizedlist
> <keycap
> <keycombo
> <keysym
> <link
> <listitem
> <literal
> <mediaobject
> <menuchoice
> <option
> <para
> <phrase
> <placeholder-1
> <primary
> <remark
> <replaceable
> <screenshot
> <secondary
> <see
> <shortcut
> <tertiary
> <textobject
> <ulink
> <uri
> <userinput
> <xref
> Note that <placeholder-$i/> elements are an artifact of xml2po.
> Also note that PO files can split strings anywhere, so the above
> command could give you partial tag names. It just happened that
> it didn't with the PO file I used.
Almost forgot about this: you can use:
msgattrib --no-wrap file.po > new-file.po
to get a non-wrapped po file, with msgid and msgstr not split over
different lines.
Milo Casagrande <milo at>
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