submitting changes to kubuntu-docs>about-kubuntu

Vikram Dhillon dhillonv10 at
Mon Jul 26 17:33:02 UTC 2010

On Mon, Jul 26, 2010 at 4:03 AM, Nitesh Mistry <mailbox at> wrote:
> On Sun, Jul 25, 2010 at 12:27:06PM -0400, Vikram Dhillon wrote:
>> Alright I think I know why you are having problems with bzr, you may
>> have to change your directory structure a little and that should fix
>> the problem. First of all, is your branch folder under
>> /home/your_username if so move it somewhere else and then open up your
>> terminal and then just type:  bzr branch lp:kubuntu-docs # the folder
>> name you typed there could also cause problems for others merging it
>> so for now just leave that out to default, however I don't think
>> that's a big deal, this will create a folder called kubuntu-docs in
>> /home/your_username after that cd into it and do a bzr status, that
>> should come out to be clean, then make your changes to the files you
>> want, then do bzr status again, this time you should get something
>> like
>> modified:
>>       file_name.xml
>> At that time, go ahead and commit your work by using bzr commit -m
>> "commit message" then if you want to be sure just do:
>> bzr log | more and the first entry should be by your name. Now do bzr
>> bundle > my-changes.diff then submit that file to the list. Afterwards
>> I recommend making a different folder and keeping all your patches
>> there. I can merge it manually this time, but if you learn the process
>> it makes it much easier for me :)
> Alright then, here is the first bundle that I've been succeeded in
> creating. Hope this serves better.
> Also let me know if someone can be sort-of-mentor to me who can help me
> out with bzr and mark-up for a while. I am always at #ubuntu-doc between
> 1630-1800 UTC.
> --
> Regards,
> Nitesh Mistry
> Version: 3.12
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> Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
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Much better :) I pushed the changes so they should be available
shortly (launchpad takes on average 5 mins. to process the changes) so
you can view them later on. I don't know if anyone can specifically
mentor you in bzr, see there are a lot of features in bzr that we
don't normally use. You can ask me if you have any questions and I'll
try my best.

Vikram Dhillon

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