need help urgent

Nitesh Mistry mailbox at
Thu Jul 22 13:57:22 UTC 2010

On Thu, Jul 22, 2010 at 01:13:18AM -0700, Pranav Nag wrote:
> hello sir,
> i had 64 bit windows 7 in my sony vaio laptop. i installed ubuntu 10.04 on my 
> sysem. but i dont know why it occupied about 95 GB of space or may be made 
> another partition.
> itried to remove ubuntu 10.04 but was unsuccessfull. Then i installed win 7 
> again from recovery partition but on restart it gave error     
> error : unknown filesystem
> grub rescue> |
> what to do now sir please help me. my system is not booting after that!

Hi Pranav,

Sorry for the problems you are facing with the installation.
However, you will need to be a little more elaborate in how you did what in
order for anybody to help you. Kindly describe, when you installed
Ubuntu, did you select automatic partitioning or manual. Also let us
know how did you try to remove it? Did you erase the Ubuntu partition or
something else. When you reinstalled win7 it might have prompted you to
intall the windows boot loader (don't know the technical name as I don't
use win7). Did you install that boot loader when prompted?

By providing these details, you will help us help you solve your

One more thing; this mailing list is for discussing the documentation
related issues of Ubuntu. It will be better if you post your query and
the details as mentioned above to ubuntu-users mailing list [1] or to
the community forum [2] as they are specifically meant to solve problems
like yours.

[1] ubuntu-users at

The problem with your systems seems to that even though you removed
ubuntu (by which ever means), but grub was not removed. Hence grub is
not able to see any available operating system. And while recovering win7,
the windows boot loader was not installed. Try booting from the Ubuntu
LiveCD and check whether all the files in windows partition are intact.

Hope you find the solution soon.

Nitesh Mistry

Version: 3.12
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