Fwd: [UCLP] [Reminder] Collaberation meeting

Phillip Whiteside phillw at phillw.net
Sat Jul 10 22:26:34 UTC 2010

Hi Luke,

I'm really sorry, my internet went down at exactly 8pm UTC, I have only just
finished a frustrating phone call with my I.S.P. to get me back on-line.

I was wishing to attend in order to introduce myself and get some idea of
how the documentation is to be progressed. Our group view from lubuntu is
the below:

As far as I understand, it's about the documentation that we currently

have not. We only have the wiki with some contents on it, but no

advanced documentation, right ?

My opinion is to follow what Ubuntu Documentation team will do, we don't

need to diverge now, I can't see any advantage.

As lubuntu is a young project, we do wish to follow what ever is decided to
be adopted. If you would be so kind as to let me know what was decided.



On Sat, Jul 10, 2010 at 2:46 PM, Julien Lavergne <gilir at ubuntu.com> wrote:

> Le samedi 10 juillet 2010 à 02:25 +0100, Phillip Whiteside a écrit :
> > I am going to attend as purely to listen what is said, how soon could
> > the lubuntu team decide on if lubuntu is going to follow the main
> > ubuntu system?
> As far as I understand, it's about the documentation that we currently
> have not. We only have the wiki with some contents on it, but no
> advanced documentation, right ?
> My opinion is to follow what Ubuntu Documentation team will do, we don't
> need to diverge now, I can't see any advantage.
> But, you are also the main contributor to the documentation, so your
> opinion is one of the most important after all :)
> Regards,
> Julien Lavergne
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