[Ubuntu-manual] An interesting blog by Matt Zimmerman touches on docs

Jason Cook jason at cookcrew.ca
Sat Jul 10 12:22:30 UTC 2010

I think that limiting the documentation is a good idea. I think there if the
documentation is removed from the CD then there needs to be an easy way to
download it. The php.net is one way to do it.

On Sat, Jul 10, 2010 at 12:55 AM, Phillip Whiteside <phillw at phillw.net>wrote:

> Hi Jason,
> I'm sort of aware that wget can 'suck' in web sites (e.g. wiki pages). I
> have not used it, but it does seem up to the job.
> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=153766
> and
> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=321434
> I do appreciate that room is tight on a CD, but if the images are kept to a
> minimum, html code as generated is quite a low over head.
> i'm not too sure how hard it would it would be to provide something like
> http://php.net/download-docs.php
> As we are discussing documents, as well as on / off line help is this a
> path worth investigating?
> I've seen a couple of instances of chm documents and have the linux version
> of the reader, it works very well. I'm not saying that we should go down
> that route, just that it is possible to get the html version of a help area
> down-loaded.
> Regards,
> Phill.
> <http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=153766>
> On Sat, Jul 10, 2010 at 12:58 AM, Jason Cook <jason at cookcrew.ca> wrote:
>> I defiantly agree that the *primary* development should be done on the
>> web based content, *but* there should be a way to have the
>> docs available offline. The way I recommended would work well, but would be
>> *very* difficult.
>> On Fri, Jul 9, 2010 at 4:30 PM, Kyle Nitzsche <
>> kyle.nitzsche at canonical.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Jason,
>>> On 07/09/2010 04:08 PM, Jason Cook wrote:
>>>> The inclusion of on-disk documentation should be up to the user and be
>>>> "package-wide". Having a "documentation" package that has the documentation
>>>> for all installed applications. The way this would work (at least in theory)
>>>> is:
>>>>    * on instalation of this package
>>>>          o finds all installed packages
>>>>          o check for documentation
>>>>          o download documentation
>>>>    * on installation of new package(s)
>>>>          o find newly installed packages
>>>>          o download new documentation
>>>>    * on removal of package
>>>>          o remove install documentation
>>>> Being done this way allows the user to choose weather documentation is
>>>> installed by default and conserves disk space by only having the
>>>> documentation for installed application.This would also eliminate the need
>>>> to install a separate package (such as openshot-docs) for documentation, it
>>>> would be added automatically.
>>>>  That's a reasonable amount of infrastructure development in order to
>>> support downloadable, translated docs with the primary goal of supporting
>>> the use case of a user who is not connected to the internet. Yet, it assumes
>>> they do have an internet connection at other times (in order to download the
>>> docs). While it is possible, I tend to think a more strategic direction is
>>> increasingly more web based help with increasingly less on-disk help.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Kyle
>>>> Jason Cook
>> --
>> Jason Cook
>> --
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>> ubuntu-doc at lists.ubuntu.com
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Jason Cook
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