Questioning assumption that since gnome > mallard, so *must* ubuntu docs

Matthew East mdke at
Wed Jan 27 21:31:12 UTC 2010

Hi Kyle,

I won't reply to everything you've said because we've both set out our
opinions adequately I think, but there is something I want to deal

On Wed, Jan 27, 2010 at 8:13 PM, Kyle Nitzsche
<kyle.nitzsche at> wrote:
> Matthew East wrote:
>> On the other hand, whether we want the ability to use localised
>> screenshots is not a consideration for the purposes of this particular
>> decision because one can do this regardless of the markup used. It's
>> just another separate question, which has its own considerations and
>> discussion to arise out of that.
> Not sure I agree 100%. I think system docs should be decoupled into multiple
> packages to facilitate customization, position nimbly for growth, and enable
> different build systems as appropriate to the use case. Some build systems
> make it harder to localize images than others.

You've made two separate points here, but I think both are separate to
the issue of "which markup language?". Whatever markup language we
choose, we will be free to organise our branches and source packages
however we think fit, and we'll have the ability to use localised
images (if we wish to) and modify our build system (if we wish to).
There might be a few tweaks here or there but the basic principles are
the same.

On the actual points themselves, again I think I've said enough about
my opinion elsewhere.

Matthew East
gnupg pub 1024D/0E6B06FF

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