Congrats to Mallard

Shaun McCance shaunm at
Wed Jan 20 23:21:06 UTC 2010

On Wed, 2010-01-20 at 17:28 -0500, Kyle Nitzsche wrote:
> With all this talk about whether to implement Mallard in Ubuntu-Docs and 
> when, I'd like to express a personal opinion, one that I imagine is held 
> widely:
> Three cheers for the innovation, thoroughness, work, and vision in Mallard!
> Seriously, even though I or others argue against immediate large-scale 
> deployment, it is this kind of innovation that is the hallmark of Linux 
> and open source development.

Thank you, Kyle.  That's very nice to hear.

> I believe it is safe to assert that all questions and doubts about the 
> "why," the "whether, the "when" and the "how" of implementation are in 
> the context of profound appreciation for this contribution.

I'm not directly involved with Ubuntu, but I do like to
stay in touch with Gnome's downstream partners.  While
I can talk all day about the benefits and drawbacks of
different approaches, timing transitions with releases
is something that can only be discussed by the people
doing the work for Ubuntu.

That said, I think the arguments for waiting until after
the upcoming LTS are perfectly sane.  We punt features
in Gnome all the time to adhere to our release schedule.

Shaun McCance

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