Transition to Mallard?

Kyle Nitzsche kyle.nitzsche at
Wed Jan 20 18:27:21 UTC 2010

Matthew East wrote:
> Hi,
> On Wed, Jan 20, 2010 at 6:02 PM, Kyle Nitzsche
> <kyle.nitzsche at> wrote:
>> Practically speaking, yelp is the only option for ubuntu-docs now though.
>> That doesn't mean it should always be so. Switching source content to
>> Mallard feels like a step towards linking source format to a single display
>> application, and on these grounds, I think it should only be done after
>> proof that Mallard > HTML/XHTML/? transforms work for sure and after all
>> other aspects are seriously considered and resolved (translations,
>> packaging, etc.)
> I do agree with you. As to transforms, we have the example that
> is HTML which is built from Mallard. We also know
> that yelp itself has a Mallard -> HTML transformation toolchain.
> As per my previous email, it's the translation and packaging points
> that I'm most concerned about. I don't think it hurts to give this a
> shot and play around with it in a separate branch / PPA. We don't have
> to ship it if we find that it causes problems.
I think the burden of proof here is on "shipping it". Given the 
no-blueprints point, LTS, and etc., the presumption should be it won't 
ship unless there is widespread agreement it is appropriate for an LTS 

By the way, I'm definitely interested in participating on the structural 
(packing, building, translation, etc.) parts of this, at least.


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