What are we doing wrong?

Vishnoo drkvi-a at yahoo.com
Sun Jan 17 11:38:18 UTC 2010

On Sun, 2010-01-17 at 10:48 +0000, Phil Bull wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I've been reading the comments in news articles [1][2] about the Ubuntu
> Manual. No-one knows that the system docs exist. Seriously, read them.
> They think that the wiki is the closest thing we have to official docs.
> What are we doing wrong? 
Among a few of the things that are a bit off with the system docs > 

The Topics/contents *not* being on one side would be mildly disorienting
for a user who is trying to search/navigate the contents. 
This isnt an Ubuntu specific issue, its from upstream. 

Shaunm mentioned that everything relevant is in xslt or css files , but
i havent been able to isolate the problem. :(


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