Kubuntu Docs Status Request Part II

Richard JOHNSON nixternal at ubuntu.com
Sat Jan 16 18:27:55 UTC 2010

Here is a list of the documents I need ASAP:

= dhillonv =
 * audio.xml
 * hardware.xml
 * sharing.xml
 * support.xml
 * tips.xml

= nixternal =
 * communication.xml
 * network.xml
 * printing.xml

= blizzz =
 * config-desktop.xml

= darkwingduck =
 * desktop.xml
 * games.xml
 * media.xml
 * web.xml

= carlsymons =
 * office.xml

I am holding a documentation jam tomorrow here in Chicago for the LoCo
team, so if you are unable to finish a topic soon, please pass it on, so
maybe I can get some of the people in the LoCo to work on it tomorrow.

So far, the work I have merged thus far has been excellent and our base is
getting better. I am being a bit pressured to hurry a bit so we can start
the translation process on these docs. If I don't hear anything from any of
you within the next couple of days, I will more than likely steal the doc
from you. If you have something in a bzr branch somewhere, go ahead and
request a merge on it.

I just did 2 merges from gastly and carlsymons, great work! The merge was
flawless. I then manually merged in 3 of dhillonv's docs (security, photos,
software-management) as well as a kpackagekit image. I had to go through
and clean up some broken tags, but they are all starting to take shape.

Thanks everyone who has been helping, some really great work and
collaboration going on.

FYI: Before you mark a doc as finished, use the scripts/validate.sh script
to make sure you document validates. It is easy to run:

    cd docs/your_document/C/
    ../../../scripts/validate.sh your_document.xml

It will spit out errors if there are any, if not you can test build the
documents by going into the root directory of the branch and typing:

    make all

This will put the built documents in the build/kubuntu directory for you to
review and see how they look.

Thanks again!

 Name|  Richard JOHNSON
Title|  Developer
  WWW|  http://www.ubuntu.com
Email|  nixternal at ubuntu.com
GnuPG|  3578 0981 A21D D662 2A96  7623 F4C1 838C D8C4 4738
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