Downloading Ubuntu

Paul mopauly at
Thu Feb 25 02:20:27 UTC 2010


1. Backup whatever info/photos/data/music you wish to save.

2. Install Ubuntu (I would repartition, I mean really, who needs windows?)

3. Ponder how you made it this far without Ubuntu.

4. Live happily ever after, and join the Ubuntu project.

Hope this helps :)


Charles Buntinx wrote:
> Dear Sirs:
>                I plan to download Ubuntu into my HP Pavilion 9320 
> laptop, which is equipped since the day bought it, with Windows Vista 
> Home Premium, fully updated to SP2.
>                I would like to know if I should take any previous 
> precautions, how much free space is needed on disk, and if I should 
> partition my disk or not, and whatever considerations you may forward me.
>                This would be my last (for now), exprience on OS's.  I 
> have used all previous OS's since circa 1970, from Radio Sack's 
> through all of Digital Research DR's, Microsoft's MS's, Windows 3.0, 
> 3.1, 95 and the rest, even UNIX, so you will realize I lack no 
> experience, although it has cost me my 70 years of age....
>                Hoping for your soonest reply, I remain, sincerely yours,
> Charles Buntinx
> cbntnx at <mailto:cbntnx at>

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