Parser Error while building kubuntu-docs

Nitesh Mistry mailbox at
Sun Feb 14 10:12:14 UTC 2010

Just branched the latest from lp:kubuntu-docs and gave the 'make all' command to build the html version
But it gave the following error for teh config-desktop page:

docs/config-desktop/C/config-desktop.xml:28: parser error : Specification mandate value
for attribute type
her information concerning Desktop Customization, please review the <ulink type        
docs/config-desktop/C/config-desktop.xml:28: parser error : attributes construct error
her information concerning Desktop Customization, please review the <ulink type
docs/config-desktop/C/config-desktop.xml:28: parser error : Couldn't find end of Start T
ag ulink line 28
her information concerning Desktop Customization, please review the <ulink type
docs/config-desktop/C/config-desktop.xml:28: parser error : Opening and ending tag misma
tch: para line 28 and ulink
"help" url="help:/kubuntu/system-settings">System Settings Documentation</ulink>
docs/config-desktop/C/config-desktop.xml:28: parser error : Opening and ending tag misma
tch: sect1 line 20 and para
url="help:/kubuntu/system-settings">System Settings Documentation</ulink>.</para
docs/config-desktop/C/config-desktop.xml:30: parser error : Opening and ending tag misma
tch: article line 10 and sect1
docs/config-desktop/C/config-desktop.xml:31: parser error : Extra content at the end of
the document
unable to parse docs/config-desktop/C/config-desktop.xml

Is it only me who got this error?
Rest all pages built fine, but no directory or page was created for config-desktop in build/kubuntu directory

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