Direction of the Ubuntu system docs

Phil Bull philbull at
Thu Dec 23 00:48:53 UTC 2010

Hi Jonathan,

On Mon, 2010-12-20 at 16:16 -0500, Jonathan Jesse wrote:
> This really goes back to the point of your original email and the
> point of ubuntu-docs.  Things are a bit more straight-forward for
> kubuntu-docs as we don't have to deal w/ Unity.  For kubuntu-docs we
> are trying to provide documentation on how KDE/Kubuntu does things.
>  The docs are a bit more updated and current then they have been but
> still need  lots of love for Natty and going forward.  
> Is there a way to bring Ubuntu Manual/Ubuntu Docs back together to get
> a solid release of documentation?  Or are we willing to wait for the
> different books to cover that material?

Possibly, but both the manual and the docs will require a lot of work to
prepare for Unity. The styles are quite different too - the docs are
supposed to be topic-based, whereas the manual is more linear. It's
worth thinking about, though.

What do you mean by different books? (I've probably missed something...)



Phil Bull
Book -

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