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Matthew Paul Thomas mpt at
Wed Aug 18 12:22:42 UTC 2010

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Matthew East wrote on 18/08/10 09:04:
> On Tue, Aug 17, 2010 at 10:20 PM, Phil Bull <philbull at> wrote:
>> While we're at it, is the "Adding, Removing and Updating Applications"
>> section necessary any more? The Software Centre has reasonably good
>> docs which we could extend to cover some other questions that users
>> have. We can just link to that document from the Help Centre front
>> page.

Update Manager will remain separate from Ubuntu Software Center, and
Ubuntu still ships with Synaptic because it does a few things that
Ubuntu Software Center does not yet. So you'd still need at least a
landing page for that section, and separate pages about
updating software.

> I agree in principle with having just one document which covers these
> matters and I think that there will certainly be useful material in
> the add-applications document which could be incorporated into the
> software-center manual. However it might well cover slightly
> extraneous topics such as how Ubuntu software works, how to install a
> *deb file, and so on.

That's true in general. (In particular, though, double-clicking a .deb
file in Maverick should open it in Ubuntu Software Center.)

> This raises questions about how we handle documents which are included
> in other packages than ubuntu-docs. First, when a question arises
> about what the scope of a particular document would be, are the
> developers of that package happy to defer to the ubuntu-doc team? Will
> they promptly and happily merge branches/patches from us?

I expect we'd promptly and happily merge any branch that's an
improvement. ;-) And that would be true for 99% of branches by members
of the Ubuntu Documentation team. There shouldn't be any question about
the scope of the Ubuntu Software Center help; it should be the same as
the scope of Ubuntu Software Center itself.

> Second, how can we efficiently handle the fact that other important
> documents are in different sources to the core bzr branch that we
> focus on. What I'd like to see is a plan about how we as a team can
> efficiently keep track of the different documents that we are
> interested in, and can draw them together when we publish material to
> Taking software-center as an example, there is a
> clear need to publish this manual on or elsewhere
> online [1], but it is quite cumbersome to have to bring together many
> different packages and publish them on without a
> wholesale change to our publishing processes. Having said that,
> manages this issue quite well, so I'm sure we can
> learn from them and improve our processes.

Yes, I was surprised to discover just now that -- for example -- the
"Users Administration Tool Manual" isn't mirrored on
(<> has an "About Users
and Groups" link, but it's broken.)

- -- 
Matthew Paul Thomas
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