Converting to Mallard?

Phil Bull philbull at
Tue Apr 13 12:10:10 UTC 2010

Hi guys,

I've been looking at how best to handle the proposed (but not
necessarily accepted!) conversion to Mallard for the Ubuntu system docs.
Our current plan is to make a "test conversion" of the existing docs to
Mallard and figure out any issues before deciding on whether to switch

The Mallard-format GNOME Desktop Help (DH) will provide "stub" locations
where we can plug our own topics into it. This suggests that we should
use the DH as our main help system (Yelp front page, etc.) and then add
Ubuntu-specific material where appropriate. This is in contrast to the
current setup, where we maintain our own, separate, Ubuntu help system
and then link out to the GNOME desktop user guide.

In my opinion, the "filling in stubs" approach will lead to a more
coherent system for users, and we'll be left with much less overhead in
maintaining links and managing the overall structure ourselves. We would
lose some control over the presentation and structure of the content,

If we do decide to switch to Mallard, it would be pointless to convert
the current Ubuntu material without altering its structure to account
for how it would be integrated into the DH. As such, if we do a "test
conversion", we should do some "test restructuring" while we're at it.
My plan is to get the Internet section of the GNOME Desktop Help written
upstream over the next month or two. We could then work on converting
and restructuring our Ubuntu-specific Internet material to conform with
that part of the DH. If it works out, we switch everything to Mallard.
If it doesn't, we can stay put or suggest improvements to Mallard.

In order to do this "test conversion" sensibly, we should decide on what
should be provided by the DH and what should be provided by our
distro-specific modifications. For example, should we provide the
material on how to connect to a wireless network in Network Manager (as
we currently do), or should that be GNOME's responsibility? Where do we
draw the line between distro-specific and upstream?

My thoughts are that we should handle hardware-specific stuff (like
wireless troubleshooting), package management and specific Ubuntu
modifications to vanilla GNOME. That would be all.

What do people think?



Phil Bull

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