Fwd: Ubuntu Wiki problems

Zach Kriesse zach.kleinhenz at gmail.com
Thu Apr 8 18:23:49 UTC 2010

Zach Kriesse
On IRC ZachK_
UBT Member/Master

Begin forwarded message:

> From: George Gesslein II <gesslein at fastmail.fm>
> Date: April 8, 2010 11:43:22 AM CDT
> To: Zach Kriesse <zach.kleinhenz at gmail.com>
> Subject: Re: Ubuntu Wiki problems
> Reply-To: gesslein at linux.com

> Dear Zach,
> How's it going?  I am fine.
> If you give me the email address of a Ubuntu Wiki administrator, I  
> will forward my request to fix my user account to that person.
> I had a factory made egg/bacon/cheese biscuit this morning.  It was  
> kind of yucky.
>            Regards,
>            George Gesslein II
>            www.mathomatic.org
> Zach Kriesse wrote:
>> On 4/8/2010 8:39 AM, George Gesslein II wrote:
>>> Dear Zach,
>>> I am looking forward to anything you come up with and further  
>>> communications with you.  Thanks for your kindness.
>>>            Regards,
>>>            George Gesslein II
>>>            www.mathomatic.org
>>> Zach Kriesse wrote:
>>>> Hey George, nice to hear from you. Just got your email...don't  
>>>> know what the issue could be but when I get beck on my pc we'll  
>>>> figure something out and get you set up...as for the deleting of  
>>>> an email I can't do that(not an admin) but I might know somebody  
>>>> who can.
>>>> Zach Kriesse
>>>> On IRC ZachK_
>>>> UBT Member/Master
>>>> https://help.ubuntu.com
>>>> http://ubuntuforums.org
>>>> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZachK_
>>>> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BeginnersTeam
>>>> On Apr 8, 2010, at 5:57 AM, George Gesslein II <gesslein at fastmail.fm 
>>>> > wrote:
>>>>> Dear Zach,
>>>>> Attached is a screenshot of the Ubuntu Wiki with an error  
>>>>> message after I log in.  It says: This email already belongs to  
>>>>> somebody else.
>>>>> When I log into the Ubuntu Wiki, it hangs and does not  
>>>>> complete.  If I go back later, I am logged in, but with this  
>>>>> error message.  I think it is because I used a different  
>>>>> username with my email address before, many years ago.  Could  
>>>>> you find the wiki username that is using my email address and  
>>>>> delete it, please?  My current username is "georgegesslein", do  
>>>>> not delete that.  I believe my previous username is "gesslein",  
>>>>> that is what should be deleted from the wiki user database.   
>>>>> Thanks for your help!
>>>>> I just went back to the Ubuntu Wiki, and it is not letting me  
>>>>> change my preferences because it detected my email is used by  
>>>>> another account. However, it says I am logged in as George  
>>>>> Gesslein II, which is correct.  I believe this problem is with  
>>>>> the wiki only, all other Ubuntu services work fine for me.
>>>>> -- 
>>>>>           Regards,
>>>>>           George Gesslein II
>>>>>           www.mathomatic.org
>>>>> <Screenshot-Documentation Team - Ubuntu Wiki - Mozilla  
>>>>> Firefox.png>
>> Hey George ya up? Sorry I didn't respond earlier...was eating  
>> Charizo and Eggs w/ Bacon
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