a documentation poll

Vikram dhillonv10 at gmail.com
Mon Sep 7 18:39:55 UTC 2009

Helen McCall wrote:
> Hello Vikram,
> I would personally find such a poll intrusive and a nuisance.
> I prefer Connor Imes idea of using a thumbs up/down tag on each page.
> Best wishes, Helen 
> On Mon, 2009-09-07 at 12:14 -0400, Vikram wrote:
>> JMA wrote:
>>>  Hi!
>>> and so...?
>>> Jean-Marc 
>>> ________________________________
>>> De : Vikram <dhillonv10 at gmail.com>
>>> À : ubuntu doc list <ubuntu-doc at lists.ubuntu.com>
>>> Envoyé le : Lundi, 7 Septembre 2009, 1h46mn 38s
>>> Objet : a documentation poll
>>> Hi all,
>>>           I got this idea from Debian Doc. project, me and starcraftman
>>> had  a little talk about this: I think we should make like a poll that
>>> can be put up on the wiki so when users go there they enter the
>>> documentation they use the most and people can work specifically on
>>> those to make their quality better. They can also enter in one field the
>>> documentation that they would like to have on the wiki that doesn't
>>> already exist. Here is he link for the debian page (it's a little
>>> different):
>>> http://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?formkey=dE9DWlpOQ1hwVlhWTm5Ca2ZFejJBR2c6MA
>>> Thanks,
>>> Vikram
>> Sir,
>>       Please elaborate on what you want to say, I explained my purpose
>> was to improve the existing documentation by having people poll on what
>> they use the most or something that they would like to see
>> Here is the link for the new page:
>> http://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?hl=en&formkey=dElqYTJteUdILTVJbWpTLVpQcE5hUEE6MA
>> Vikram
Alright I guess that was  a waste of time then....

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