Ubuntu Server Guide - CUPS

Connor Imes rocket2dmn at ubuntu.com
Sat Oct 17 14:48:57 UTC 2009

Hi fellas,

I believe this was already fixed in the Karmic docs, see bug 380836
[1].  However, if this appears somewhere else in the docs and we missed
it, please do file a new bug report

[1] https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/380836

Thanks for your involvement, Greg, please don't hesitate to file bug
reports for any other problems you run across.


Alex Lourie wrote:
> Hi Greg
> The best way would be to open the bug on LP, create a patch that fixes
> the problem and attach it to the bug.
> Then ubuntu-doc guys will take a look and integrate if it's OK.
> Alex.
> On Fri, Oct 16, 2009 at 1:28 AM, Greg Stratton <greg9strat at gmail.com
> <mailto:greg9strat at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     Hello,
>     I've been using Linux off-n-on for a while now and I really get
>     enthus'd every time I use it.  This time I figured I'd try to get
>     involved and give back - so I've joined the mailing lists for
>     documentation.
>     I was just going through the server guide (9.0.4) for CUPS and I think
>     I've found an error in the guide.  I'm not sure where the best place
>     to file this, so I figured I'd start here.
>     Near the bottom, the guide mentions the command for restarting the
>     CUPS service as:
>     sudo /etc/init.d/cupsys restart
>     But when I try that on my local server, it gives me an error: sudo:
>     /etc/init.d/cupsys: command not found
>     I believe the correct command is:
>     sudo /etc/init.d/cups restart
>     So please let me know what is the most effective way to file these
>     sorts of things - I looked at launchpad and that has mostly bugs from
>     software usage (and I didn't know if people typically also report
>     'bugs' in documentation there as well....)
>     Thanks much!  Excited to be here!
>     Greg
>     --
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