Ubuntu Docs status and HTML files

Milo Casagrande milo at casagrande.name
Mon Oct 12 19:13:09 UTC 2009

2009/10/12 Matthew East <mdke at ubuntu.com>:
> Yes, that's correct - I intend to export the templates for ubuntu-docs
> on 16 October. I'd really appreciate it if those translators with
> errors in their language could look at the error and see if it can be
> corrected:
> ast, en_CA, es, fi, fr, gl, it, nl, pt_BR, pt, ro, sl, sq, uk, vi, zh_CN, zh_TW

Should be fixed for it.
Adi, how often is your stats page updated?

Milo Casagrande <milo at casagrande.name>

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