Ubuntu Packaging Guide

Daniel Holbach daniel.holbach at ubuntu.com
Fri Oct 2 09:15:37 UTC 2009

Hello Augustina,

On Sa, 2009-09-26 at 15:58 -0700, Augustina Blair wrote:
> I've been working on editing the Ubuntu Packaging Guide. I have
> already drafted a restructuring of the Intro and Basic sections and
> plan to start work on the other sections as well. I have mainly been
> corresponding with Nathan but I would like to know if there is another
> team or mailing list I should contact. I want to make sure the
> information in the guide is accurate and consistent with the team's
> recommended practices, especially as I start working on the more
> advanced topic areas. I also want to know if anyone else is already
> working on this so I can coordinate with them.
> This is where I am posting my current edits:
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AugustinaBlair/PackagingGuideEdit

thanks a lot for working on this!

I had a number of conversations about the Packaging Guide (and Packaging
Docs in general) in the last time - topics were ranging from
organisation on the Wiki, to translations, to massaging session logs
into good documentation, to transforming documentation into screencasts
and videos.

To make it easier for everybody who's interested to follow the
discussions, I just created https://launchpad.net/~packaging-docs and
would appreciate if all you interested people would join the team and
mailing list so we can (to use Jono's words) make Packaging Docs "kick

Thanks in advance and see you there!

Have a great day,

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