Documentation as a Standard Part of an LP Project

Kyle Nitzsche kyle.nitzsche at
Thu Oct 1 21:13:28 UTC 2009


I have set up an LP project ( with the aim of 
developing a doc template that makes it easy to add localized 
documentation to an LP-hosted package or project. Community 
participation most welcome!

It now provides a straightforward structure for writing docbook-format 
articles or books (either one or the other, with the current assumption 
being that no single project needs both).

The doc can be converted to a translated pdf with localized images 
(localized images are layered on top of and take precedence over 
non-localized). (html output to come.) So, it is single sourced with 
multiple delivery formats.

I'll add content to the README file soon. This will include usage 
instructions (how to make pdfs, how to translate, how to localize 
images, etc.)

Get the current source with:
bzr branch lp:doctemplate

Goals include:
* Work through the LP Translation process for this
* Add build target to convert it to localized html (partially in place now)
* Add packaging that installs the docbook/html/pdf output
* Work with community and LP Team to add support for documentation 
that's similar to support for translations (maybe a "Documentation" tab)
* Add info and/or code to illustrate how to make a package using this 
template launch its help (in yelp, or maybe anything) by clicking the 
"Help" menu item (or F1 key).

Anyone know much about latex? It currently fails to create the pdf with 
Cyrillic characters. I'd appreciate help with this... :)


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