Review of About Kubuntu page

Alex Lourie at
Sun Nov 29 18:36:35 UTC 2009


There's no "security" issue with making /bin/sh executable to all. In
general, its owner is NOT you, so making it u+x will not "improve" security.

In addition, it should be executable by all users in the system, shouldn't
it? :-)  it is just a binary for running a generic shell....

On Sun, Nov 29, 2009 at 8:14 PM, Nitesh Mistry <mistrynitesh at>wrote:

> On Sun, Nov 29, 2009 at 10:14 PM, Alex Lourie < at> wrote:
>> Nitesh,
>> try 'sudo chmod a+x /bin/sh', and then run validation shell script again.
> Shouldn't 'u+x' be a better option, since it would give access only to me
> and not all users on this computer?
> By the way, it did validate using the command Thomas suggested ($ bash
> scripts/ ...) It was his comment on using the command that got me
> worrying. Is that a security issue on my computer?
> Anyways, thanks for educating. Your suggestion made me go through the man
> page of chmod again. Had forgotten it since not used frequently.
> Regards,
> --
> Nitesh
> Version: 3.12
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