Launchpad group changes

Matthew East mdke at
Sun May 17 13:05:52 UTC 2009


At our recent meeting we decided to change the project's Launchpad
structure slightly, so that each flavour of the documentation
(ubuntu-docs, kubuntu-docs, xubuntu-docs and edubuntu-docs) would have
its own project on Launchpad, with all four of the projects part of an
"project group". We decided that the setup and team management of the
projects should be identical for each, and the releases and official
branch structure should be identical. This will be a trial for 6
months and we can reassess the position after that.

We need to push forward and implement that decision, but I'd like to
raise a quick issue before doing that.

The structure of Launchpad groups that I'd like to implement is as follows:

- ubuntu-doc-project
    - ubuntu-docs
    - kubuntu-docs
    - xubuntu-docs
    - edubuntu-docs

The potential disadvantage of this that I can see is that links to the
old "ubuntu-doc" project pages will break. We'll have to fix those
links (for example, in the package descriptions and in our wiki
pages). However, I think that using something like
"ubuntu-doc-project" rather than "ubuntu-doc" for the project group is
clearer and avoids a confusing distinction between urls with
"ubuntu-doc" and "ubuntu-docs" in them.

Any objections to that? Can anyone see any problems that I've missed?

Matthew East
gnupg pub 1024D/0E6B06FF

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