Question on one string...

Milo Casagrande milo at
Sat Mar 21 16:05:32 UTC 2009


while translating Ubuntu doc I found a string I can't understand clearly
(and I suppose is wrong). The string is located in
troubleshooting-wireless, section "Check for device recognition".

This is the string:

Enabled - move on to If there is a driver listed then see <xref

Is the "move on to" part right?

Funny thing: if I search for "If there is a driver" inside that
document, I'm presented with two strings, almost identical, but located
in two different documents: 

Located in internet/C/wireless.xml:85(para)

Located in internet/C/troubleshooting.xml:92(para)

Is that an old document? Old pot file? (looks like there are also
strings from basics.xml)

Thank you.

Milo Casagrande <milo at>
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