new member

Phil Bull philbull at
Sun Jun 21 23:11:55 UTC 2009

Hi Mark,


On Sat, 2009-06-20 at 17:53 -0400, mark wrote:
> So, that's how I've ended up here. While my knowledge at this point is
> rather weak, I'd still like to contribute where possible. I've been
> looking over the doc team pages the last few days, and, frankly, I must
> say that I have been a bit confused but I think I've now got a decent
> general understanding of the structure and goals. It seems to me that a
> good place for me to start is with CategoryCleanup. At first I fretted
> over not having enough technical knowledge to decide correctly which tag
> would best suit the page(s) in question, or whether they needed a tag
> at all. After realizing that the reason these articles are in
> CategoryCleanup to begin with is because 'someone' decided they needed
> patching up - all I have to do is try to figure out for which reason
> they determined that - I relaxed and am ready to jump in (I think).

Excellent, thanks for working on this! It would be wonderful to get the
wiki cleaned up, and any help you can offer is greatly appreciated.

> One question before I start with tagging: after I've made a
> modification will the article in question be 'automagically' taken off
> the list [0]? Or do I need to take another step to have it removed?
> Or something else entirely?

The page will remain in CategoryCleanup as long as the text
"CategoryCleanup" (without quotes) is present at the bottom of the page.
If you have added a new tag to the page, you can safely edit the page to
remove this text. Then, the page will appear in the list of pages with
the tag you gave it, but won't be in CategoryCleanup any more.

> I would like to comment, lastly, on a very recent mailing from Phil
> Bull regarding the Installation Guide: It sounds _exactly_ like the
> kind of project I would like to be involved in, but I know enough to
> know that I don't know enough to really be of any true help. :-) At
> least, not yet.

I've posted an announcement to the mailing list [1]. Please take a look
at it and see what you think.



[1] -

Phil Bull

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