Working on a style guide

Dougie Richardson dougierichardson at
Sun Jun 14 14:39:55 UTC 2009

Hi Phil,

2009/6/14 Phil Bull <philbull at>:
> Hi guys,
> I'm currently at WOSCON [1]. Loads of great stuff has been going on,
> which I'll share at a later date, but the first thing I want to discuss
> is our lack of a style guide. I've been talking to a professional
> writer, Lynda Chiotti [2], about how we could help new contributors
> create really good docs, and it seems that a good style guide is pretty
> much essential. She has offered to help us write one up - how does this
> sound to others?

Yes I've been following Jim and Emma's near constant dents - wish I was there!


Dougie Richardson
dougierichardson at

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