New subscriber hello

Phil Bull philbull at
Tue Jul 28 22:53:39 UTC 2009

Hi Alex,

Sorry for the delay in replying.

On Mon, 2009-07-20 at 15:09 +0300, Alex Lourie wrote:
> My name is Alex Lourie and I'm new subscriber to this list, and
> hopefully a new contributor in the nearest possible
> future.
> I fluent in understanding English, Russian and Hebrew languages, and
> sort of fluent in writing in them :-). As the direct result of my
> technical background, I would be strongly interesting in contributing
> to system documentation for Ubuntu. I would also be glad to provide
> proofreading for other documentation.

Welcome to the team! Where would you like to start?

I'd quite like someone to take a look at the Printing/Faxing/Scanning
section of the system docs, if you're interested. How are you with
Python and SQL?



Phil Bull

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