Wiki Categories and SubPages Meeting

Marc Kaplan mk at
Thu Jul 23 17:04:09 UTC 2009


It's an interesting concept.  Sorry I didn't get a chance to reply
sooner, but I've been quite slammed.

I'd love to hear feedback from others.

Hey Mike or Dennis, do you think would this is something that should
be brought to the attention of, and discussed through the Planet once
we come to some consensus here?

I would welcome some feedback from anyone else interested in
contributing and am thinking of possibly scheduling an IRC chat
meeting to brainstorm with everyone; probably the same as when we had
the last docs team meeting.

If you are interested in helping out, please reply, off list, with
this subject line.

Marc K.

On Sun, Jul 19, 2009 at 1:34 PM, Andrew
Sayers< at> wrote:
> I've been having a go at creating a hierarchy using the existing
> "category" system built into MoinMoin.  The current version is here:
> The basic idea is to turn category pages into something similar to
> Wikipedia's "templates", so each category can have a standard footer,
> pointing the reader to other areas in the category.  I think this
> fulfils the requirements of a tag system, and gives the user some
> navigation aid to boot.
> Each category has an "about" page that describes the purpose of the
> category.  Looking at page histories suggests that editors are just
> adding bits and pieces, and daren't delete anybody else's content, so I
> thought that giving people rules about what's on- and off-topic might
> help encourage people to edit things.
> The implementation has been left deliberately scrappy - it's designed to
> be more like a technology demo that inspires as many reactions of
> "that's clever, I didn't know you could do that" as reactions of "I hate
> that, but doing exactly the opposite would be quite good".
>        - Andrew
> --
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