Getting Started Guide - Looking for Feedback/QA

Phil Bull philbull at
Tue Feb 17 23:53:32 UTC 2009

Hi Dougie,

On Wed, 2009-02-18 at 21:59 +0000, Dougie Richardson wrote:
> I would be against this in its current format.  I agree that the 
> switching guide needs updated but this a solution heavily based on 
> images.  Also, there is a lot of similarity with the Desktop Training 
> project here, which several of us contributed to, is in DocBook and 
> under the same license so could be more readily incorporated.

Since this is intended as a standalone document rather than for viewing
in Yelp, the use of images is not such a bad idea. Translating the
images is an issue, but there are ways of automating the
screenshot-taking process.

As for the Desktop Training project, what do you think about merging
relevant material from Avi's document, the old SFW guide and the
training manual into a new document?



Phil Bull

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