Getting Started Guide - Looking for Feedback/QA

Dougie Richardson ddrichardson at
Wed Feb 18 21:48:37 UTC 2009

Avi Hein wrote:
> If it's original, than it's not based on other material. One doesn't
> preclude the other, obviously the procedures are similar because it's the
> same program. That's why you can have many commercial versions of "How to
> use such and such program" and there wouldn't be any copyright issue, so all
> the more so when it's copylefted to begin with. Because neither material
> came from the other. Would also releasing my guide CC matter? As I said, I
> just picked what seemed to make sense - I don't expect my guide to be widely
> distributed in the current format.
I don't understand your example.  If you say original material then I 
have to respect that but there are sections of your guide that are 
extremely close to material in the official system documentation. If 
this is entirely your own work then you can do what you want with it of 
course.  If your original material is from a different license then 
incorporating it into our Wiki is an issue, which as I said earlier I am 
not in a position to comment on - Matthew is the subject matter expert 

I don't wish to assist by giving feedback or direction to a project 
which has no defined license nor where its usage is not yet defined but 
best of luck with your project.

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