System doc translations

Matthew East mdke at
Sun Feb 15 14:05:52 UTC 2009

Hi Jim,

On Wed, Feb 4, 2009 at 9:49 PM, Jim Campbell <jwcampbell at> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I've found this page on the wiki [0] that describes the translation process
> to some extent, but I'm trying to get a better understanding of the overall
> translation workflow.  Basically, I'm interested in how the system docs
> interface with Rosetta, how the Po files get refreshed  . . .  stuff like
> that.  Could someone point me to some resources that could explain these
> workflows and tasks?  Thanks!
> Jim
> [0]

Sorry for the late response. To be honest the above page contains all
information that we have about the process. For any more information,
it's worth you reading some of the Rosetta documentation to have an
understanding about that system:

In brief, there are two types of translation files: pot files, which
contain the original templates for the strings that are translated,
and po files, which contain the translated files. There is one pot
file for each document in ubuntu-docs, and one po file for each
translated language.

Rosetta gets the pot files from the packages that are uploaded to the
Ubuntu repositories. It imports pot templates whenever a new version
of a package is uploaded. We refresh the pot templates using the
"scripts/" script prior to uploading a package, and these
are then imported automatically by Rosetta when the package is

The translators then get to work and the po files are downloaded by us
and inserted into the package using the process described on the page
you've read.

I hope this helps, let me know if you have any other questions.

Matthew East
gnupg pub 1024D/0E6B06FF

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