Ubuntu: A Beginners Guide

Kyle Nitzsche kyle.nitzsche at canonical.com
Wed Dec 23 19:43:49 UTC 2009

Kyle Nitzsche wrote:
> Kyle Nitzsche wrote:
>> Thomas R. Jones wrote:
>>> On Wed, 2009-12-23 at 10:02 -0500, Kyle Nitzsche wrote:
>>>> Hi Benjamin,
>>>> Instead of OpenOffice as the source format, you might consider 
>>>> single-sourced docbook. When set up properly this allows:
>>>>  * true single sourcing (content is never duplicated, even for translations)
>>>>  * easy localization (translations and images - for example screenshots)
>>>>  * conversion to multiple localized output formats (html, pdf, docbook) 
>>>> with a single command
>>> Kyle et al
>>> I was not aware of this doctemplate project and had been working on a
>>> custom build toolkit based on the Novdoc system(Novell Documentation
>>> Team) that I am familiar with. Thats what i get for not asking around i
>>> suppose. :(
>>> Have you considered implementing Docbook profiling in your project as
>>> well as the transformations? This mechanism is a great addition for
>>> standard documentation authors. It allows for contiguous Docbook
>>> authoring of a topic for various skill levels. 
>>> For instance, two paras can be authored. One for the "general public";
>>> the other for "developers". A simple argument addition to the build
>>> process and the resulting document is built for a specific type of user.
>> Thank you for pointing this out. It looks straightforward to implement. 
>> Perhaps I'll have time to look at this over the holidays.
> Hi Thomas:
> Turns out this was quite easy to implement, and I just did it. Update to 
> version doctemplate - 1.3-0ubuntu0ppa4  
> <https://edge.launchpad.net/%7Edoctemplate-team/+archive/ppa/+sourcepub/911031/+listing-archive-extra>(the 
> latest in the ppa) to pick up profiles support.
> (I just pushed the new version and it built in the ppa, but it may take 
> a few minutes to publish...)
> These changes add a PROFILES file to each new project's root directory. 
> (This can be empty if you don't want to use profiles.)
> Each line of PROFILES is a profile that has three space-delimited parts:
>  * --stringparam: this is required
>  * profile.NAME, where NAME is the docbook profile you want to use.
>  * VALUE: the profile value you need to filter source appropriately.
> Here's a PROFILES example:
> --stringparam profile.userlevel "student"
> --stringparam profile.os "linux"
> Here's sample docbook source that contains content pegged to different 
> profiles through the corresponding attributes:
>         <sect1 id="Testing">
>             <title>Testing</title>
>             <para userlevel="student">student user level</para>
>             <para userlevel="instructor">instructor user level</para>
>             <para os="linux">linux</para>
>             <para os="win">win</para>
>         </sect1>
> The filtered results carry through to all outputs: localized docbook, 
> html, pdf.
> So, to create different "profiled" versions of your docs, you could 
> either modify the values in the PROFILES file, or have different files 
> that contain your various profile values and copy the one you want to 
> use to PROFILES.
> Now, I'll need to update doctemplate-user-guide.
> Cheers,
> Kyle
I just implemented the same approach as with PROFILES to add a file 
(FOPARAMS) that allows the user to specify parameters to pass to FOP for 
po file creation.
These parameters are listed here:

So, you just edit the FOPARAMS file (as above with PROFILES) to add the 
desired params with the desired values: for example:
--stringparam toc.indent.width 72
--stringparam toc.max.depth 3

And the results show up in all generated pdfs.

Pushed change to ppa as version: 1.3-0ubuntu0ppa5 

Building now.

>> (Naturally, this sort of thing is supported intrinsically through the 
>> xml/xslt framework (transform an xml file to include just the bits you 
>> want...) But I see that docbook provides a standardized approach (using 
>> attributes and corresponding xslt params/sheets) that covers a 
>> reasonable range of useful profiles/conditions: arch audience condition 
>> conformance lang os revision revisionflag role security status userlevel 
>> vendor wordsize.
>> One note: one might be tempted to use lang for translations, which, I 
>> think, is a mistake, One should use single-sourced English xml and let 
>> the translations live in po files, else the translated content could 
>> diverge and source files become excessively complicated.
>> By the way Thomas, please share any and all comments with me about 
>> doctemplate, including usage issues/deficiencies. And please also feel 
>> free to file bugs in lp.net/doctemplate.
>> Cheers,
>> Kyle
>>> This allows the documentation to be easily tailored for a wide range of
>>> users in a single source.
>>> If you have not considered this mechanism; I would greatly encourage you
>>> to research this functionality. I would be more than willing to help
>>> with integration.
>>> Cheers.
>>> Thomas Jones
>>>> There's a project that makes all this easy: 
>>>> http://launchpad.net/doctemplate.
>>>> That project has a PPA that allows you to install the doctemplate 
>>>> package:  https://edge.launchpad.net/~doctemplate-team/+archive/ppa
>>>> Just add that to your System > Administration > Software Sources then 
>>>> install doctemplate with:
>>>>  * "sudo apt-get update"
>>>>  * "sudo apt-get install doctemplate"
>>>> Once doctemplate is installed:
>>>>  * you create a new docbook article or book in the current directory 
>>>> with a single command ("doctemplate_setup_article" or 
>>>> "doctemplate_setup_book")
>>>>  * docbook content that is ready to edit, modify and build is created
>>>>  * you generate localized pdf, html, docbook, with a single command 
>>>> ("make_pdf" "make_html" "make_docbook")
>>>>  * translations are in po files that can be updated from source with a 
>>>> single command, and localized outputs always use the po files. po files 
>>>> can be translated in Launchpad or using many other  available  
>>>> tools/websites.
>>>> The guiding design/development principle for doctemplate is: make it 
>>>> easy for writers to write by handling the techy bits.
>>>> Docbook does have a handful of tags the writer needs to know. They are 
>>>> well-documented on the web, for example: 
>>>> http://www.docbook.org/tdg/en/html/article.html.
>>>> You can edit the docbook files in various applications, including text 
>>>> editors like gedit. The bluefish package provides some pretty good 
>>>> docbook specific functions.
>>>> I am currently finalizing the short documentation for doctemplate: 
>>>> https://edge.launchpad.net/doctemplate-user-guide
>>>> Get the docs this way:
>>>> (you have to have the "bzr" package installed.)
>>>> 'bzr branch lp:doctemplate-user-guide"
>>>> Then, in the root directory, run "./make_html"
>>>> Then display the English version with: "firefox build/html/en/index.html"
>>>> (or, to make a pdf, run "./make_pdf" and display it with "evince 
>>>> build/pdf/en/doctemplate-doc.pdf".)
>>>> (or to make localized docbook, run "./make_docbook" and display it in 
>>>> yelp with "yelp build/xml/en/doctemplate-doc.xml")
>>>> (The doctemplate-user-guide is also written using the doctemplate approach.)
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Kyle
>>>> Benjamin Humphrey wrote:
>>>>> Hello everyone,
>>>>> Recently I started up a project to write a manual for Ubuntu that is 
>>>>> both informative and easy to follow. My goal is around 50-75 pages, 
>>>>> and perhaps having two different versions - one in-depth guide that 
>>>>> covers pretty much everything, and one 10 page Quick Start guide, 
>>>>> which, in the future, could be shipped with the Ubuntu CDs.
>>>>> I began writing it myself, but after deliberation and advice from 
>>>>> other users, it would be better to make it a community effort. The 
>>>>> idea is to have the first release ready for Lucid, and then a refresh 
>>>>> every 6 months to coincide with a new Ubuntu version. Eventually, I 
>>>>> hope it becomes the first point of reference for any Ubuntu newcomers.
>>>>> We need contributors, and I thought the best place to start would be 
>>>>> the documentation team.
>>>>> I was talking with Jono Bacon tonight and he suggested the ideal way 
>>>>> to go about testing/feedback/contributions for the manual is via 
>>>>> Launchpad. He is really excited about the idea and is interested to 
>>>>> see how it pans out – so am I.
>>>>> Therefore, I’ve just created a Launchpad team for the Beginners Manual:
>>>>> ../doctemplate_1.3-0ubuntu0ppa4_source.changes
>>>>> https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-manual 
>>>>> <https://launchpad.net/%7Eubuntu-manual>
>>>>> I’ll set up a bzr tomorrow and upload the .odt and .pdf of what I have 
>>>>> so far (about 3 rough chapters), feel free to download it and start 
>>>>> contributing. Perhaps the best way to do it would be to pick a chapter 
>>>>> that you feel confident in and write something on it – doesn’t have to 
>>>>> be big, just a rough draft and I can add extra stuff when I get there.
>>>>> I will also try to be on #ubuntu-doc tomorrow for any questions.
>>>>> If anyone knows anything about LaTeX could they let me know too.
>>>>> --
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Benjamin Humphrey
>>>>> humphreybc
>>>>> humphreybc at gmail.com <mailto:humphreybc at gmail.com>
>>>>> www.interesting.co.nz <http://www.interesting.co.nz>
>>>>> www.benjaminhumphreyphotography.com 
>>>>> <http://www.benjaminhumphreyphotography.com>

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