Review Request - Kubuntu Documentation - Command Line Topic (cli/C/cli.xml)

Nitesh Mistry mistrynitesh at
Thu Dec 17 05:55:17 UTC 2009

On Tue, Dec 15, 2009 at 1:25 PM, Nitesh Mistry <mistrynitesh at>wrote:

> I am starting to proof read this section. Will send the changed .xml file
> when done (diffs clearly not working for me right now). Trying to complete
> the review by tomorrow as I will be backpacking for the next 10 days or so.
> :)
> On Mon, Dec 14, 2009 at 10:49 AM, Richard JOHNSON <nixternal at>wrote:
>> I just completed the command line topic for Kubuntu documentation and it
>> would be great if someone can go through and proof it for me. If you
>> decide
>> to proof it, please respond to this email saying so, this way here we
>> don't
>> get a bunch of you doing the same thing at the same time. Once you have
>> reviewed it, either list the changes you think are best, or apply a diff
>> of
>> the bzr branch containing your changes. At that time, anyone else can look
>> at it and make changes to it as they see fit. Thanks everyone!
I have completed reviewing the 'cli' section of kubuntu sys docs. I am
attaching the changed cli.xml file and a text file explaining the changes
made in the document. Hope you find it helpful. Do the mails with
attachments show up on the mailing list?


Version: 3.12
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