Doc Jams

Dougie Richardson dougierichardson at
Mon Aug 24 16:38:15 UTC 2009

Hi Daniel,

2009/8/24 Daniel Holbach <daniel.holbach at>:
> Hash: SHA1
> Dougie Richardson wrote:
>> Unfortunately I don't think there is any reason contributers will be
>> less apathetic than they were for organising Doc days, so for that
>> reason I wont be getting involved at all.
> Did you investigate what happened? Was the announcement broad and
> welcoming enough? Were the instructions clear enough? Were there enough
> easy tasks? Was there a good way how to contact somebody in case things
> were unclear? Did you talk to people who were "apathetic"?

No one responded with any ideas, save to criticise those that were
suggested or to why certain times wouldn't work.  After repeatedly
trying to get the subject off the ground with no response it became
clear that regardless of wider community involvement, if the
documentation team weren't behind it it would fail.

So in answer to your questions - Yes, no, no, no, yes and no.  The
idea never got off the ground, as there simply wasn't the required
input from this team.  Why would I speak to people who were apathetic?
 If I couldn't get them to comment on what we should present as tasks
how am I to get them to say why?

My reply was intended to be to the request from Matthew, not your
request for help.  Like I said Daniel, I wish you every success and
hope the idea gets off the ground this time because if it wasn't
viable I wouldn't have suggested it in the first place.

That said, I'm not going to be sidelined into a discussion on where I
might have gone wrong, that's unfair.


Dougie Richardson
dougierichardson at

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