[Installation Guide] Common problems for the Troubleshooting section

Phil Bull philbull at gmail.com
Tue Apr 28 09:29:04 UTC 2009

Hi guys,

If you have any ideas for common installation problems, please add them
to the wiki page [1]. Once we have a decent collection, we can go
through them and choose which ones to include in the installation guide.

Here are some guidelines for deciding what constitutes a "common
installation problem":

      * It happens immediately before, during or immediately after
        installing Ubuntu
      * A significant number of users experience the problem (check the
        forums or IRC to see if it's common)
      * It doesn't matter how difficult the problem is to resolve (i.e.
        both easy and difficult problems should be added to the list)



[1] - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Specs/KarmicInstallationGuide#Common%

Phil Bull

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