new member

Dougie Richardson dougierichardson at
Sun Apr 26 00:34:21 UTC 2009

Hi Saketh,

You should start by reading over the team's wiki page:

We have also recently produced a single sheet reminder called a playbook:


Also, make sure to send mail to the mailing list rather than directly
to one member as you will get a wider response, I've cc'd the list
because Jim and Cody deal mainly with Xubuntu's documentation.

2009/4/26 Saketh Kasibatla <saketh.kasibatla at>:
> thanks!
> how would I get the xubuntu documentation source and how do I work with
> docbook xml?
> Are there any good tutorials taht I can go through, or software I can
> install to work better in it?
> also, as a note, I will be working in windows about as much time as I will
> be working in xubuntu.
> thanks again!
> -saketh


Dougie Richardson
dougierichardson at

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