Request for review for .img file writing instructions

Emmet Hikory persia at
Tue Apr 21 13:05:40 UTC 2009

Phil Bull wrote:
> On Mon, 2009-04-20 at 18:46 +0900, Emmet Hikory wrote:
>> Documentation Team,
>>     I've put together a short outline for how to write .img files to USB
>> sticks or flash cards (1).  I'd like to request that someone review this
>> document, and let me know what else is needed to make it suitable to be
>> included with the regular Ubuntu documentation.
> I'm planning to work on an installation guide this release cycle.
> Installing from a USB stick seems to be pretty common, so there will
> likely be a section on this in the guide. Can we use your material, or
> would you be interested in adapting it to the format of the guide
> yourself when the time comes?

    I'd encourage you to use my material.  I'm not sure if I'll have
time to adjust it to match a given format, and suspect that what time I
can commit to documentation is better used to either generate new docs,
or review possibly  old docs against significant subsystem changes.

    That said, feel free to ask me if you have any questions about my
material, or if there is some known deficiency in the set of documented
solutions (which may or may not reflect a deficiency in the available


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