Promoting new members

Dougie Richardson dougierichardson at
Tue Apr 21 00:02:04 UTC 2009

Evening all,

Right I need to get this off my chest.

Every week in this list there are two mails I can count on receiving -
people requesting to join and people who requested expiring.

There are, really, only a handful of people committing documentation
to the ubuntu-doc package. It has been suggested that our tool chain
is too complicated. I have suggested ideas to improve this on a number
of occasions - they might be crap, because no-one likes them but at
least they're ideas!

There is undoubtedly a problem in keeping volunteers and yet the only
time that we have a consistent discussion is when there is a proposed
organizational or structure change. We are excellent at discussing the
minutia of organizing both its structure and layout.

If you think I'm being overly critical or ranting then that's fine but
I feel very strongly about this.

I for one am not happy working in this team at the moment and looking
at the way the xubuntu-docs guys have been conducting their business
recently I don't think I'm the only one. I also notice there are a
number of prevalent, long term committers from previous cycles who
haven't been heard from in a while and our solution? To propose their
removal rather than contact them and find out if there is an issue.


Dougie Richardson
dougierichardson at

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