request for review of Ubuntu 9.04 RC announcement

Matt Zimmerman mdz at
Thu Apr 16 19:48:03 UTC 2009

On Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 03:20:00PM +0100, Gerry Carr wrote:
> >
> > My preference would be to make it it's own category with equal billing
> > with Desktop and Server.  It's not desktop, and it's not server, it runs
> > on a different class of machine so that makes choice 2.a) more correct.
> >   
> Hi David - we are all on board with this. It has implication though in 
> terms of the information that we have to provide. Matt N is compiling 
> the information that he will need. I would appreciate if we could get 
> him the answers by tomorrow - should not be complicated.
> What I would like is a Step by step guide for what an XP user on eeePC 
> needs to do to get the image.
> Is that correct?

Yes, that would be a good document to have.  I don't think we have it yet
but should be able to put something together.  The complexity is in writing
the installation image to a USB drive; in contrast to CD writing, the tools
for this are not standard or widely used.

 - mdz

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