request for review of Ubuntu 9.04 RC announcement

Steve Langasek steve.langasek at
Thu Apr 16 06:13:49 UTC 2009

[Trimming the cc list to only the relevant parties; ubuntu-doc doesn't like
 excess destinations.]

On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 11:31:11AM -0500, David Mandala wrote:
> Steve Langasek wrote:

> > Here is a draft for the Ubuntu 9.04 release candidate announcement:

> >

> > Please review and advise me of any problems.

> I'm replying again, and consolidating my comments since I neglected to
> reply to the entire list of folks before

> We need to mention ARM and point at cdimages for the UNR and ARM stuff.
>   At minimum the page at needs to note
> UNR and ARM point at cdimage for them.

So part of the premise for the releases.u.c/cdimage.u.c split is that the
high-profile, heavy-traffic images are published to releases, where they get
widely mirrored; and the less-downloaded images, constituting a larger set,
are published to cdimage.  Pointing at cdimage.u.c from the announcement
seems to run counter to this, and will probably draw far more traffic than
cdimage is prepared to handle.  Linking it from
<> would have less impact, but I fear it
would still cripple the server.

I'm waiting for feedback from James to make sure we have room, but I expect
we'll publish UNR from releases.u.c instead for the RC, in which case
there's no need to link to cdimage for it.  Accomodating armel is more
likely to be a problem, but I'd like to try to squeeze it in as well.

The question is, which armel images are to be published?  Are we supporting
both desktop and alternate images for armel?  Desktop only?  Prior to beta
there had been no mention at all of images for ARM aside from netboot, and
at beta we had only a single "custom" desktop disk image available, so I'm
not sure what the intent is here.  The fewer images we care about
publishing, of course, the easier it will be to accomodate them on  But I need to know fairly quickly which images we want
to highlight, so I can get them prepublished to the mirrors in preparation
for the RC.  That probably also affects what we say about ARM in the

Assuming for the moment that we're only highlighting the desktop image for
ARM, I've added the following text to the draft under 'desktop features'.
This is really very rough, and I would appreciate some help refining it;
I'm afraid I just don't know what the immediate use cases for the ARM port
are expected to be, so don't know what we should be emphasizing here.

  ARM support:  this release of Ubuntu integrates support for the ARM
  architecture, bringing the same high-quality desktop to an even wider
  range of energy-efficient systems.

> We also need to remove the Samsung NC10 from the announcement as it has
> a kernel bug that effects suspend resume and it won't be fixed in time
> for release.

Dropped, thanks.

Steve Langasek                   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer                   to set it on, and I can move the world.
Ubuntu Developer                          
slangasek at                                     vorlon at

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