OpenWeek Session

Emma Jane Hogbin emmajane at
Fri Apr 10 16:16:47 UTC 2009

Matthew East wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 10, 2009 at 4:11 PM, Emma Jane Hogbin <emmajane at> wrote:
>> Matthew East wrote:
>> This goes back to the underlying tone we project. Learning Bazaar and
>> DocBook in a one hour IRC session is not possible if you are truly new.
>> For us to suggest otherwise leaves the tone of, "if you can't figure
>> this out, you shouldn't be participating."
> No, you're reading too much into this. All we're trying to do here is
> to figure out how much time we feel is appropriate for a particular
> subject, and how much of a particular subject needs to be dealt with
> in an individual session in order to get people started with
> contributing.

I am not reading too much into this. Our project is all about language
and communication. Everyone needs to be very aware of both the words and
the tone. Concepts and phrases like, "simple", "trivial" and "easy" do
not belong in the language as we talk about learning our tool chain. It
is NOT easy. There are entire college-level courses on technical
writing--you can get an undergraduate *degree* in translation and
interpretation. For those of us who are brilliant enough to pick up the
range topics quickly, YAY us! But let's be careful to 1. give these
topics the respect they are due in terms of complexity and 2. make sure
that no one ever thinks that our tool chain is trivial. If it were
trivial we'd be tripping over all the new contributors submitting
nightly patches. ;)

> Ok, so here is an amended timetable. I've assumed that the bazaar and
> docbook sessions will be focused on the ubuntu-doc project, but people
> feel that more general sessions are helpful, then they could still
> work with the same timetable. For bazaar, maybe a general session on
> bazaar would be more helpful than focusing on the ubuntu-doc branches
> only.
> 1. The Docs Team: overview of wiki, system documentation, bugs, mailing
> list and intro to the tool chain
> 2. The wiki: our lowest hanging fruit, learn how to contribute here first
> 3. Getting the system docs - bazaar
> 4. Working with the system docs - docbook
> 5. Translating the system docs

This looks fine.

Dougie: are you able to do the intro session? I think you're available
closer to the beginning of the day?

I'm fine taking on Bazaar and DocBook (both are partially recycled
presentations for me). If someone else wants to take over my material to
deliver either, please let me know!!

Adi: does this fit into your translation presentation idea?

What about the Wiki space? It's only been an hour or so since I first
made the offer to help with this presentation. I'm confident we'll find
someone to help out between now and OpenWeek. :) Please ping me if
you're that person.


Emma Jane Hogbin

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