Looking to join the documentation team...

seth brown seth at bluetent.com
Tue Sep 30 20:02:44 UTC 2008

Hey all,

My name is Seth Brown. I'm web projects director for a medium-sized Internet
marketing company near Aspen, Colo. All of our work depends on Open Source
(LAMP & Drupal) and I'm eager to contribute something to Ubuntu. I have
three devoted Linux boxes--an IBM T-40 running Debian Etch, a Dell Ubuntu
laptop and an old eMachines running Ubuntu.  Both Ubuntu boxes (8.04) have
been upgraded from Feisty. I'm interested in the intersections between
Ubuntu and web development, from GIMP to installing a LAMP server. As I'm
relatively new to Linux, I'd also be interested in some basic user
administration doc work. An English major cum web programmer, I spent nine
years as a magazine editor before getting into the Internet world and
remember--vaguely--how to spell.

I would be interested in working with a mentor who could help provide some
initial guidance and speak to the time commitment required.



Seth Brown
Project Director
Blue Tent Marketing
seth at bluetent.com
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