use of alerts on the help wiki

Matthew East mdke at
Wed Sep 24 17:54:26 UTC 2008

On Wed, Sep 24, 2008 at 6:47 PM, Dougie Richardson
<ddrichardson at> wrote:
> I would be
> careful about
> Ignoring the most dominant browser on the net.

We wouldn't be ignoring it, it just wouldn't have transparent icons in
the Alert... The page should still be readable, right?

Note that the new theme we've been working on isn't 100% compatible
with IE6 either, as it doesn't support position: fixed (which is
responsible for the editbar following you around).

As long as the site isn't rendered totally unusable, it's fine.

But, it would be useful to see statistics for too: agy, can you help with that?

Matthew East
gnupg pub 1024D/0E6B06FF

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