[STUDENTS] More visual effects updates

Stephanie Mardell stephmardell at mac.com
Thu Sep 11 20:38:29 UTC 2008

Hi Phil,

Here is a minor update as requested. Let me know what you think. Also as this is my first patch please let me know if there is anything else that I need to do.

Stephanie Mardell


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On Thursday, September 11, 2008, at 12:11PM, "Phil Bull" <philbull at gmail.com> wrote:
>Hi guys,
>While committing Nick's recent patch, I noticed something else in the
>visual effects document that needs improving. If you look at the
>"Configuring visual effects" section, the final paragraph needs a bit of
>attention. The formatting should be improved and I think it could be
>broken up to make it easier to scan.
>Any volunteers?
>Phil Bull
>ubuntu-doc mailing list
>ubuntu-doc at lists.ubuntu.com
-------------- next part --------------
=== modified file 'desktop-effects/C/desktop-effects.xml'
--- desktop-effects/C/desktop-effects.xml	2008-09-10 01:15:43 +0000
+++ desktop-effects/C/desktop-effects.xml	2008-09-11 20:33:48 +0000
@@ -48,7 +48,11 @@
 			<para>Select <guilabel>Extra</guilabel> to provide an aesthetically pleasing set of graphics.</para>
-		<para>When you select a new option, it may take several seconds for the change to be applied automatically. During this time, your screen may flicker briefly.  Once the settings have been applied successfully, you will see a dialog box asking your confirmation to either keep the new settings or to revert to your previous settings. If you find that the new settings work correctly, then click 'Keep Settings'. Otherwise click 'Use Previous Settings'. You will be taken back to your previous settings if you do not select anything for 40 seconds.</para>
+		<para>When you select an option, it may take several seconds for the change to be applied. During this time, your screen may flicker briefly.</para>
+		<para>Once the settings have been applied, a dialog box will appear asking you to either keep the new settings or to revert to your previous settings. If you find that the new settings work correctly, then click 'Keep Settings'. Otherwise click 'Use Previous Settings'.</para>
+		<note>
+		<para> You will be taken back to your previous settings if you do not select anything for 40 seconds.</para>
+		</note>
 	<sect1 id="compiz-configure-advanced" status="review">
 		<title>Enabling extra effects</title>

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