[ubuntu-web] feedback on new wiki theme

Neal McBurnett neal at bcn.boulder.co.us
Tue Sep 9 14:26:15 UTC 2008

On Tue, Sep 09, 2008 at 09:34:49AM +0100, Matthew Paul Thomas wrote:
> Neal McBurnett wrote on 09/09/08 00:12:
> >...
> > It is common to focus on a fixed width design as "narrow", but for
> > many users the big issue is that it is "fixed".  On a wide page it
> > looks narrow, but on a narrow page it is nearly unusable since it is
> > wider than the window, and requires using the horizontal scroll bar to
> > read each line.
> > 
> > As others have mentioned, the fact that the user can't control the
> > width of the content is the real issue, and the reason fluid designs
> > are very popular.
> >...
> This is all a false dichotomy. Instead of setting a fixed width, or a
> fluid width, set a max-width. That way the page is narrow in narrow
> windows, and wider in wide windows, without becoming over-wide.

Using max-width is an option, and is better than fixed-width.  But
just to be clear, it is not what I am asking for.  I want the theme to
use the space that I give it when I set the width of the browser
window.  If it seems wide to me, I'll make the window narrower.  I
prefer a fluid design.

If the consensus is that there should be a maximum width, then go
ahead and use max-width.  But it is not a false dichtomy.  Both wide
pages and narrow pages can be very useful with a fluid design.

Neal McBurnett                 http://mcburnett.org/neal/

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