new wiki theme

Duncan Lithgow dlithgow at
Mon Sep 8 12:25:51 UTC 2008

Looks good, only improvements as far as I can see.

My only comment would be if it is possible to add a page discussion
lin to the set of links at the bottom? It would need to automatically
create a discussion page where one does not exist, I didn't manage to
get the macro for doing that to work for me.

I was disappointed to see that the WikiGuide page was changed without
any comment on it's discussion page. This implies that anyone who
doesn't follow the ubuntu-doc list should not expect to be informed
about what is happening to the pages to which they are subscribed (I
am one such person who doesn't want to follow the whole ubuntu-doc
list as I'm only involved with the wiki.) The actual changes to the
WikiGuide are however clearly improvements, nice one allan!

(cc me if you want a response)

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