Ubuntu Documentation Team

Stephanie Mardell stephmardell at mac.com
Sat Sep 6 00:04:21 UTC 2008


I would like to join the Ubuntu Documentation team to assist (where I  
can) with documentation. I have been using Ubuntu since 6.06 and have  
been running an Alpha release of 8.10 on a test machine.

For the last 20 odd years I have been in the IT industry and I have  
had a good deal of experience writing system documentation - my  
current day job is leading a small team supporting enterprise  
applications for the Wellington City Council (New Zealand) so  
documentation is a key component.

I would like to be able to make a contribution to the development of  
Ubuntu - as I am not a developer I feel the best way I can contribute  
is to assist with the ongoing development of documentation.

If you would like more information please let me know.


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