Usage of apturl in the documentation

Vadim Peretokin vperetokin at
Fri Sep 5 22:31:22 UTC 2008


I'd like to raise the possibility of using apturl in the documentation to
make it more newbie-, and lazy-friendly.

About apturl: homepage is here (, made by mvo,
included in ubuntu since 7.10. Syntax is to make a link that does
apt:program or apt://program, when user clicks on a link, they get a dialog
asking them if they'd like to install that program or no. Multiple programs
can be installed by separating the links with a ;, like this:

Currently, the ubuntu help wiki is configured in such a way that it doesn't
allow apt: links. But I'd like them to be considered as an alternative to
making the user open a terminal just to install some program(s).
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